Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Donde están nuestras maletas?!

Hola chicos y chicas! Corey and Amanda here, coming live from Anubis bar in sunny Salamanca, Spain. After clicking "create blog", we ceremoniously chugged our 2-euro jarras de cerveza, a whopping half liter of mystery beer. We arrived in Salamanca four nights ago and so far it has been everything but sunny. It snowed for the first time anyone can remember when we got here (que raro!) and has been rainy, windy, and cold ever since. But that hasn't stopped us yet! Another huge downer is the fact that neither of us have any of our stuff... literally, we are missing our suitcases that we spent so much time and effort packing, not to mention that thousands of dollars worth of our belongings and contact lenses, and both of our birth control, are lost in space.

AMANDA ASIDE: Never fly British Airways... not only did I miss three of my flights on my way here because of them, but they can't find my bags anywhere and refuse to refund me any money because my bags aren't technically lost yet ("lost"=10 days. Whatever). Anyways, I didn't carry anything on the plane except my wallet and a book to read and an empty pack of gum, thank goodness, so I have been wearing the same clothes, washing my hair with my senora's face wash and conditioner (porque no puedo leer español), and carrying my school books in a shopping bag (bago de chopear).

COREY ASIDE: Amanda has yet to use deodorant. We're all suffering. But seriously, Belgium airways is also terrible, they know where my bags are but they refuse to deliver them.


We got to Spain on Saturday and spent the night in Madrid where the 18 of us bonded over tapas and drinks, reveling in the fact that we are all now technically 21. It was mágico and really great how well all of us got along. The next morning we drove northwest for two and a half hours on our way to Salamanca, and when we arrived we were immediately passed off to our eager familias. You'll hear more about the boring stuff from us individually. So far we haven't really gone out except for one awesome night at the Irish Rover where Corey and Brandon WON the international beer pong tournament (and Amanda watched Spanish soap operas with her señora). They will all return Monday night, 1/18, to defend their title.

Last night we went to a restaurant that overlooks la Plaza Mayor and drank some (that's a relative term) Spanish rioja. We met an alcoholic one year old... we are not kidding, her mom kept giving her wine. She literally drank more than Jackie. (but not us... no one can keep up with us). We're actually blacked out right now. Just kidding.... it's a Wednesday, nobody goes out on Wednesday. But we are going to buy another 2 euro jarra of mystery beer. Uno momento..........................(gracias para su paciencia)..................................

The coolest part so far is how much our Spanish has already improved- we pretty much only speak Spanish here (there are definitely some times when we are all together and find ourselves speaking English but we are really making the effort). 5 hours of Spanish class every morning will do that to you. There's a lot of class but the teachers are really cool and laid back for the most part. In fact, we have a teacher named Enrique (nuestro amor) for our clase de historia de España from 11-12 every day.

AMANDA ASIDE: This man may be el hombre de mis sueños. He is either 26 or 34 (or possibly 45, his age is a mystery), but he is bellísimo and a really good, engaging teacher (apparently that turns me on), really nice, funny, interesting, passionate. But en serio, I think his class is going to be great- I have him for historia del arte also and both classes have been engaging and it's only the second day. Also, he's really into riding his bike, which makes sense because, from a direct quote from Corey Moser, "of course he's a cyclist, how else could he have a body like that?". Corey is straight (I think?) and even he notices his beauty. Also, when he tries to say English words, it's the cutest thing in the world. Especially when he says "power point". Corey can vouch...

COREY ASIDE: So today Enrique called Amanda out in class, in front of about 30 people, for literally drooling and smiling as she stared longingly at him. He said something to the effect of, "porque estas sonriendo todo el tiempo?" She was really embarassed. But the class seems super easy. All the professors know that we're here to have a good time as well as learn, so they're very relaxed about homework an tests and such. I've come to learn the word for hangover very well ("resaca.")

AMANDA ASIDE: In rebuttle, he asked why I was smiling all the time, and said it was really nice that I am so happy... I AM A HAPPY PERSON. I wasn't drooling at all, definitely not any more than the rest of the girls in the class.

COREY ASIDE: Jackie said to me after our first class, "I want him all over the place."

Pues, overall it's been a really great start to what we hope will be an incredible semester. So far we've mainly been hanging out with other Emory students but we've only had class for 2 days and have already met a lot of international kids. There are surprising amount of Asian kids here, which, according to Loli, one of our teachers at the Emory center, "es un problema". Ha. She didn't mean it like that but it was funny. (She said she didn't mean it like that but we think she definitely did). It is really cool though because a lot of them don't speak English so our only form of communication is Spanish.

Well hopefully we will keep writing on the blog, so stay updated! And we hope you are all having a good semester, but not as good as ours. Adios amigos!


P.S. We are renowned for making up Spanish verbs that should definitely exist, for example: chopear= to shop (preferably at H and M or El Arbol)
tapear= to have tapas
fiestar (claro)= to party!
ODM= Oh Dios Mio (the Spanish "OMG")
El Violador= the rapist that lives on Amanda's street. We're not kidding, he was arrested in December but who knows if he's still in jail. It's kinda funny but kinda not...


  1. ohhhhhhhh that's why you're using a shopping bag. i thought maybe you just thought it was cool or something. p.s. you definitivamente did not make up odm. quiero credito. and one last thing - corey, please ten cuidado porque it's been like 7 days since you've had your birth control and i don't want you to do anything crazy, and amanda, i feel more comfortable saying this on here: you smell.

  2. I appreciate you sharing with the world the fact that a one-year-old girl can out drink me. Her mom swore it was coke, but who serves coke in a wine glass?

    ps. isn't it ADM? Ay Dios Mio? Just sayin...
